Why You Should Outsource Your Medical Laundry
NewsKeeping your medical laundry in-house is actually costing you more than you think, and outsourcing your medical laundry is far more cost-effective than you might currently assume.

Why Our Affiliates Matter
At Economy Linen, we strive to be the best, and that means partnering with the best. Our affiliations are more than a badge we get to put on our website or a certificate to hang in our facilities.
We seek out reputable…

How to Set a Table in a Restaurant
In the day and age of pop-up restaurants and food trucks, will your food service business still find value in knowing how to set a table in a restaurant?
We all know that eating requires more than just our sense of taste. It…

4 Ways to Save Money on Your Spa Business
You might assume that a spa business brings in a lot of money with their lavish services and upscale clientele. But, realistically, spas incur a considerable amount of extra expenses, liberally bringing down their profit margin.

Common Medical Problems of 2016
Medicine has advanced from how it was decades ago. With the increase of technology and scientific innovation, common illnesses from centuries ago are a thing of the past. However, although certain diseases have diminished, others…